02 November 2022

Submission on National Electric Vehicle Strategy

ATSE welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Department of Industry, Science and Resources consultation on the National Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy.


ATSE welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Department of Industry, Science and Resources consultation on the National Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy. To support the electric vehicle ecosystem in Australia, ATSE recommends:

Recommendation 1: Develop a robust electric vehicle strategy that includes both demand and supply-side policies to address electrification of all vehicle segments (buses, trucks, and micro-mobility for public, private, freight and industrial use)

Recommendation 2: Develop policies that ensure increased model availability with clear benchmarks on parts to establish a second-hand market.

Recommendation 3: Include a roadmap for establishing an EV charging network in the National Electric Vehicle Strategy, as well as a plan for fuel cell technologies (like hydrogen-powered vehicles) and their supporting infrastructure, including the establishment of charging standards and a plan for charging networks in regional and rural Australia.

Recommendation 4: Establish a common standard of charging infrastructure including requiring bi-directional power flow.

Recommendation 5: Embed a circular economy approach into the National Electric Vehicle Strategy.

Recommendation 6: As part of the National Electric Vehicle Strategy, invest in upskilling and developing an EV workforce.

Recommendation 7: Implement fuel efficiency standards as part of the National Electric Vehicle Strategy.