30 June 2016

Regulatory options for automated vehicles

The Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE) welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the National Transport Commission (NTC) issues paper Regulatory options for automated vehicles.


ATSE strongly endorses regulatory reform to enable the advancement of autonomous vehicle technology and implementation in Australia.

The potential for economic growth, through advancements in research and development, collaboration with large multinationals and commercialisation, are immense if Australian governments embrace and pursue automated vehicles.

Autonomous vehicle technology is already well and truly in existence and creating significant opportunities for companies and cities across the world. It is rapidly evolving and is increasingly in demand by a range of industry sectors and consumers. Hence, Australian governments must introduce flexible and adaptable legislative frameworks that can keep pace with the technology and ensure that Australia becomes a key competitive player in the global market of automated vehicles.

Automated vehicle technology is a universal and generally shared technology. The regulatory and insurance hurdles that must be faced in Australia are the same internationally. ATSE therefore strongly recommends that any regulatory and insurance changes should be aligned with overseas examples, and where possible, draw on best practice from around the globe.