26 September 2014

Infrastructure Planning and Procurement: Response to House of Representatives inquiry

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) welcomes the opportunity to address the Terms of Reference relating to Infrastructure Planning and Procurement.


Improving infrastructure planning and investment is seen as a major challenge facing Australia, as well as other countries. Meeting this challenge will better equip Australia to address other demands such as raising productivity growth, dealing with demographic change, and maintaining our competitive advantage.

On September 23, 2014, ATSE responded to the Terms of Reference set by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Communications relating to Infrastructure Planning and Procurement. The submission referred to several key recommendations that arose from the joint ATSE and Infrastructure Australia workshop in 2013, Infrastructure Planning: Towards Best Practice.

Themes explored were:

  • making infrastructure planning consistent with Australia’s long term national vision and aspirations;
  • land use, regional needs, and population growth;
  • issues of transparency, planning horizons, and project prioritisation, evaluation and selection;
  • processes and governance frameworks; and
  • models for the assessment of social, environmental and economic impacts and benefits.

The submission was considered by the Committee at the public hearing on October 1 2014