04 March 2018

Independent scientific inquiry into hydraulic fracture stimulation in Western Australia

ATSE supports an evidence-based approach to the regulation of the unconventional gas industry in Western Australia.


The risks associated with shale gas development can be managed through evidence based site-specific risk assessment and mitigation.

ATSE supports an evidence-based approach to the regulation of the unconventional gas industry in Western Australia and welcomes the appointment of ATSE Fellow, Dr Thomas Hatton PSM FTSE, as Chair of the Independent Scientific Panel.

ATSE’s research suggests that risks associated with shale gas are comparable to many other resource extraction activities, and manageable through adaptive leading-practice regulation. The actual risks associated with a specific shale gas project are affected by a combination of factors including industry practices and culture, the regulatory environment, the geology and hydrogeology, the quality of the gas resource, and other environmental and social conditions. These factors can vary significantly, both spatially and temporally. For this reason, ATSE does not support arbitrary state-wide bans. To responsibly and sustainably develop shale gas resources, governments and industry must commit to site-specific risk assessments and mitigation measures, transparent and open communication with communities, baseline and ongoing monitoring of impacts, and high-quality independent research to address knowledge gaps.