01 June 2018

Enhancing innovation through postgraduate coursework and research degrees in STEM

Australia’s innovation agenda needs more postgraduate STEM knowledge and research training

Read the Action Statement

The vision

Australia’s future innovation-led economy will have an increasing number of high performing professionals with advanced science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) knowledge, skills and qualifications. These professionals will have the high levels of creativity needed to tackle complex and multidisciplinary problems, and many will take leadership roles in both private and public sectors. Their knowledge and skills will be acquired through undertaking advanced coursework , research degrees and work-relevant training.

The increasing demand for graduates from advanced coursework and research higher degree programs in STEM disciplines will come from industry, business and the public sector. The providers of these programs – mostly universities – will devise programs that are responsive and flexible. The programs will include development of advanced transferable and professional skills as well as technical STEM knowledge. Many programs will involve deep collaboration with employers