12 January 2022

Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit – Pilot

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Small and medium enterprises contribute over 57 per cent of Australia’s GDP and are responsible for creating almost 7 million jobs. 

Please note this download is for toolkit following the pilot.

You can also access the updated Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit.

To attract the best talent, and to create vibrant, creative, high functioning and resilient workforces, it is important that Australia’s small and medium businesses have diverse and inclusive workforces.

The Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE) is a Learned Academy of independent experts that helps Australians understand and use technology to solve complex problems. We bring together Australia’s leaders in applied science, technology and engineering to provide impartial, practical and evidence-based advice on how to achieve sustainable solutions and advance prosperity.

ATSE has proud a commitment to improving diversity and inclusion in STEM and has developed the Toolkit to support, encourage and enable businesses to create and benefit from diverse and inclusive workplaces.

This Toolkit provides resources to support and enable your STEM-focused business to gain the economic and social benefits of diversity and inclusion. It is currently in a pilot testing phase and will be launched widely in late 2022.

ATSE acknowledges the support of BAE Systems in piloting the Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit