07 April 2022

ATSE Submission to the National Biosecurity Strategy

This submission endorses the Strategy priority areas, considers challenges in building a biosecurity workforce, and proposes the inclusion of different approaches such as One Health and Traditional Knowledge to develop a comprehensive understanding of biosecurity.


ATSE welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s consultation on the draft National Biosecurity Strategy. This submission endorses the Strategy priority areas, considers challenges in building a biosecurity workforce, and proposes the inclusion of different approaches such as One Health and Traditional Knowledge to develop a comprehensive understanding of biosecurity.

ATSE agrees with the six priority areas for development as identified by the Strategy:

  • Shared biosecurity culture
  • Highly skilled workforce
  • Sustainable investment
  • Stronger partnerships
  • Coordinated preparedness and response
  • Integration supported by technology, research and data.