08 December 2022

ATSE Submission on the Australian Critical Minerals Strategy

The Australian Government is attempting to develop a new critical minerals strategy that outlines the national priorities for developing the critical minerals sector.

Read submission

The Australian Government is attempting to develop a new critical minerals strategy that outlines the national priorities for developing the critical minerals sector. The strategy is designed to highlight the role of critical minerals, help bring Australian projects online quickly and diversify supply chains, grow domestic manufacturing and processing and align with environmental and social governance standards.

ATSE welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Department of Industry, Science, and Resources review of the Australian Critical Minerals Strategy. ATSE makes the following recommendations:

Recommendation 1: The Australian Government implement targeted training and migration programs to develop and secure all the necessary skills for the emerging critical minerals industry.

Recommendation 2: The Clean Energy Finance Corporation and Australian Renewable Energy Agency Acts be amended to facilitate investment into environmentally sustainable critical mineral mining and processing.

Recommendation 3: As a part of the Critical Minerals Strategy, the Australian Government should develop a coordinated infrastructure and industry investment plan for the critical minerals industry and grow investment in industry-critical infrastructure identified in this plan.

Recommendation 4: The terms of reference for the Ministerial Advisory Group on the Circular Economy include a requirement for the group to provide advice on electronic and critical mineral waste and how it can be included in Australia’s circular economy.

Recommendation 5: The Australian Government should support the development of mining operations that are owned by, or owned in genuine partnership with, Traditional Owners.