01 April 2020

A new prescription — preparing for a healthcare transformation

New health technologies that are desperately needed as the world responds to rapidly changing conditions

Read the report

Australia’s healthcare system must quickly incorporate technologies including remote consulting, wearable monitors and full digitisation if it is to meet the challenges of the coming decade.

Smart devices that check temperature and oxygen levels, health appointments via Skype, e-health records that tell hospitals which antibiotics patients are allergic to digital disease surveillance, and modelling that pinpoints regions showing signs of outbreaks – these are new health technologies that are desperately needed as the world responds to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Academy’s investigation found that such innovations could transform health delivery. “Even before the coronavirus pandemic, our year-long examination of the health system identified the changes needed to meet rising demands, particularly in regard to chronic and age-related diseases,” said ATSE President, Professor Hugh Bradlow FTSE.

The report includes four recommendations to help policymakers, businesses and researchers implement necessary changes, including:

  1. switching to electronic health records as soon as possible
  2. using telehealth and mobile technology to improve access
  3. supporting and empowering healthcare workers to retrain, adapt and develop skills to use new digital technologies
  4. targeted government support for translating medical research and preparing it to get where it’s needed – to patients.
HP Card Health
A new prescription — preparing for a healthcare transformation

New health technologies that are desperately needed as the world responds to rapidly changing conditions

Health technology
12.1mb / pdf


Learned Academy Special Projects

Technology readiness assessments

Transport   |   Health   |   Waste

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