Investigating science – Depth study

This unit is designed to support the NSW Stage 6 Syllabus using the STELR sustainable house.

The ATSE sustainable housing kit provides the equipment and background information to carry out a unique inquiry investigation Depth Study into one aspect of sustainable housing.

A depth study is any type of investigation or activity that is an extension of the syllabus, so it must be inspired by and therefore linked to one of the Knowledge and Understanding outcomes in the Year 11/12 syllabus.

The aim of student depth study booklet is to provide a guiding template to:

  • design a research question focused on one aspect of sustainable housing 
  • build a model sustainable house using the ATSE kit
  • investigate and report on the sustainability of a model house


Download the teacher and student workbooks and marking rubrics as PDFs


Two Male One Female Sus Housing
Two Female One Male Student Sus Housing


Three Student With Wind Turbine
STEM curriculum modules

STELR has produced more than 20 curriculum modules comprising over 280 lessons and 100 hands-on activities to use in school classrooms.