STEM education in schools

STELR is a hands-on, inquiry-based and in-curriculum program  designed to be taught within the curriculum so that all students participate in inquiry learning that engages students in STEM.
Many Students Around A Table With STELR Kits

12 curriculum modules 
280 lessons
100 hands-on activities

STELR is a hands-on, inquiry-based and in-curriculum program designed for secondary schools.

It is designed to be taught within the curriculum so that all students participate in inquiry learning that engages and challenges students in STEM.

STELR education areas

We offer twenty in-curriculum STEM topics with free downloadable PDF student and teacher booklets to guide your classroom teaching. Equipment kits that support a number of our topics are also available to purchase.

One Male Student Electricity And Energy Kit
Renewable energy

Harnesses students’ interest in climate change and energy costs. This inquiry-based module engages and challenges both students and teachers.

STR Renewable Energy Testing Station And Hands
Electricity and energy

STELR electricity and energy workbooks and equipment kits enable students to investigate electricity and electric circuits, and to the generate electricity using wind turbines and solar panels.

Three Female Students Sustainable Housing Kit
Sustainable housing

Students will learn about heat transfer and the thermal properties of matter to design an energy-passive home.

Solar Car With Four Female Students Blurred Un Background
Solar cars

STELR solar cars are designed to be used in conjunction with the STELR renewable energy module for students to apply their knowledge of solar energy and electric circuits. 

Close Up Turbine Blades
Wind energy

With our STELR wind energy module, students learn about creating a renewable energy source using wind.

Water in the 21st century module

Learn about Earth’s water resources and the sustainable use of water.

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Earth, moon and sun

Earth, moon and sun provides enquiry based learning activities to help students understand the day-night cycle, seasons and the phases of the moon.

ATSE STLR ocean and ice
Climate change and oceans

Investigate the physical and chemical properties of ice, water and carbon dioxide to explore sea level rise and ocean acidification.

ATSE STLR car charging
Car safety

Discover the science of car safety and design, and how to contribute to road safety.

STELR Future health
Future health

Explore health and the human body and how technology is advancing our lives.

STELR Sensing Sound
Sensing sound

Learn about sound energy and transfer through hands-on activities which explore how sound can be detected and used.

Three Male Students And Teacher with sustainable Housing Kit
Investigating science – Depth study

This unit is designed to support the NSW Stage 6 Syllabus using the STELR sustainable house.

STELR equipment kits


Take a look at the in-curriculum, hands-on equipment kits we sell.

Contact the team at to place your order.


Hear from a STELR teacher

Hear from a STELR teacher

Sarah Edwards, Naracoorte High School, SA


Webinars for students + professional development for teachers

STR Teacher Professional Development 3
STELR webinars and events

We bring together the brightest Australian scientists, technologists and engineers for a live chat with school students around the country.

We are inviting teachers into laboratories across Australia for tours with STEM experts. Learn about the latest trends in STEM, and understand the most current knowledge and skills students will need outside of the classroom.



Contact the STELR team

Contact the STELR team

If you're new to STELR and would like to know more about how you can use our curriculum resources in your classroom please get in touch.


If you are interested in implementing the STELR program in your school please complete the form below and we will contact you to discuss the program that best suits your needs.

Type of school (select appropriate)

Year levels
School sector

Contact Person

Student Information