28 March 2024

ATSE welcomes billion-dollar investment in solar manufacturing

ATSE welcomes the announcement of the Solar SunShot manufacturing program that will provide funding to establish Australia’s position in solar supply chains, leveraging our strength in critical minerals.  

ATSE welcomes billion-dollar investment in solar manufacturing

ATSE welcomes the Prime Minister’s announcement of the Solar SunShot manufacturing program today. The $1 billion program will provide subsidies and grants to establish Australia’s position in solar supply chains, leveraging our strength in critical minerals.  

As recommended by ATSE’s pre-budget submission, catalysing value-adding processing and manufacturing from Australia’s natural resources into green technologies is both an economic and environmental opportunity. ATSE also raised green energy and green mineral hubs as an opportunity in our submission to the Green Energy Superpower consultation. 

The Solar SunShot program recasts the energy transition as an economic opportunity for Australians.  

ATSE also commends the Federal and New South Wales Governments for their commitment to convert the site of the decommissioned Liddell coal power station into a solar manufacturing hub. This represents a clear step towards creating job opportunities for coal communities.


Media enquiries:
Adam Huttner-Koros
Communications Specialist
0468 520 373