17 October 2023

ATSE Fellow wins Prime Minister's Prize for Science

ATSE is thrilled to congratulate Fellow Professor Michelle Simmons AO FTSE FAA FRS for receiving the Prime Minister's Prize for Science at a ceremony in Canberra overnight.

SIMMONS Michelle BW Professor Michelle Simmons

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) is thrilled to congratulate ATSE Fellow Professor Michelle Simmons AO FTSE FAA FRS for receiving the Prime Minister's Prize for Science at a ceremony in Canberra overnight.

Professor Simmons is a world-renowned quantum scientist who has pioneered new methods of quantum computer fabrication and design over decades. Her novel discipline of atomic electronics enables precise control of individual atoms, bringing powerful quantum computers one step closer to reality. She is also the CEO of the startup company Silicon Quantum Computing, which is aiming to be the first in the world to create an error-corrected quantum computer capable of much more powerful and versatile calculations.

A Fellow of ATSE since 2015, Professor Simmons from UNSW Sydney is also a celebrated mentor, advocate for STEM education and role model for women in STEM.

Michelle Simmons Aus Of Year 1510X1006
Read more about Professor Simmons' work
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The 2018 Australian of the Year overcame humble beginnings to become a world leader in her field.

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