19 April 2023

A welcome charge to our future Electric Vehicle industry

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering has welcomed the National Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy launched today as a critical step in making Australia a significant player in the global electric vehicle (EV) industry.

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering has welcomed the National Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy launched today as a critical step in making Australia a significant player in the global electric vehicle (EV) industry. 

The Academy welcomes the introduction of fuel efficiency standards to reduce EV costs and incentivise national adoption. Making EVs accessible and affordable to all Australians is fundamental for reaching the nation’s 2030 and 2050 climate change commitments. 

The establishment of national standards for EV charging infrastructure, underpinned by the enormous opportunity to leverage technological solutions, like energy storage, and optimisation of EV charging, will help ensure energy grid resilience and uptake.

We welcome the Government’s focus on addressing end-of-life waste from EVs and the investment in research into safe and environmentally friendly component recycle and re-use. However, second-hand markets for EVs are in their infancy and more regulatory support is needed to build these markets. Expanding and regulating these second-hand markets will help reduce the cost of EVs, making them available to more Australians.

The emphasis on Australia’s enviable endowment of critical minerals is also welcome. Australia’s mineral resources will be essential for cementing our role in the EV supply chain.

With abundant critical mineral wealth, strong capacity to generate and store renewable energy and world class battery research, Australia has every opportunity to seize the EV opportunity.

Australia’s natural supply of minerals critical to electrification and renewable energy – like lithium and other rare earth minerals – can be processed in Australia and transformed into new components like vehicle parts, batteries and motors. 

As we transition to net zero, Australia can become a global superpower in green energy technology, manufacturing and infrastructure, accelerated by global adoption of EVs and renewable energy sources.  

To move Australia forward in EV capability, we need to: improve charging infrastructure; optimise charging practices to ensure reliable electricity supply; and use more digital technologies to help minimise the environmental impact and improve EV production efficiency.   

To build a sector that is capable of competing on the world stage at the scale we believe is possible – and to meet the huge demand for EVs – we must also unlock the potential of a future Australian car manufacturing workforce through up-skilling and retraining.


Media contact

Edwyn Shiell – Director, Communications and Outreach | Edwyn.shiell@atse.org.au | 0402 254 968