Hear from ATSE Fellow and former Senator for Victoria Professor The Honourable Kim Carr FTSE FAHA on the importance of ongoing communication with policymakers and their advisors, building relationships and offering expertise to build public support for STEM in Australia.
Presented by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)
How should scientists, technologists and engineers engage with government? What is the best way to communicate with politicians and their advisors effectively? And how do we champion evidence-based decision making based on scientific research?
Hear from ATSE Fellow and former Senator for Victoria Professor The Honourable Kim Carr FTSE FAHA, and panellists CSIRO Chief Scientist Professor Bronwyn Fox FTSE and La Trobe University’s Professor Susan Dodds FAHA on the importance of ongoing communication with policymakers and their advisors, building relationships and offering expertise to build public support for STEM in Australia.

Kim was appointed Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research in 2007, a cabinet post he held for most of Labor’s previous six-year term in government. He also served as Minister for Manufacturing, Defence Materiel, Human Services, and Higher Education. He is currently a Vice Chancellor’s Professorial Fellow at Monash University.
Kim made a significant national contribution to policy in these areas, through the important reforms he introduced while in government, his scrutiny and incisive questioning of government policy while in opposition, and the unparalleled longevity of his close engagement in these issues.
In 2022, Kim was made an Honorary Fellow of both the Academy of Technology Science and Engineering (ATSE), and the Academy of the Humanities (AHA). He was also awarded the Academy of Science Medal – only the second politician to receive this honour.

In her former role as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, she built extensively on Australia’s Industry 4.0 strategy. As founding Director of Swinburne’s Manufacturing Futures Research Institute, she led several significant initiatives and global research partnerships, including the establishment of a world first Industry 4.0 Testlab for additive manufacturing of carbon fibre composites, in collaboration with CSIRO.

Professor Dodds was recently appointed to the ARC’s Advisory Council by Education Minister, Jason Clare and will form part of a new panel to review the ARC Act. This follows her appointment as the Chair of UA’s DVC Research Committee.