16 August 2023

Precompetitive Geoscience: Its importance to a low carbon economy

Discover the significance of precompetitive geoscience in building a low carbon economy from two esteemed speakers from Geoscience Australia

Presented by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)

Discover the significance of precompetitive geoscience in building a low carbon economy at our upcoming event.

Join us for an insightful event featuring two esteemed speakers from Geoscience Australia: Dr James Johnston FTSE and Allison Britt. These experts will share their knowledge and expertise on precompetitive geoscience and its role in shaping a sustainable future. Gain valuable insights, engage in meaningful discussions, and discover how their work contributes to informed decision-making and responsible resource development. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Geoscience Australia’s leading minds in the field.



BRITT Allison
Allison Britt
Director, Mineral Resources Advice & Promotion, Geoscience Australia
Director, Mineral Resources Advice & Promotion, Geoscience Australia
Allison Britt is the Director of Mineral Resources Advice and Promotion at Geoscience Australia, Australia’s national geoscience organisation. After graduating from the Australian National University, she spent her early career with CSIRO Exploration and Mining working on gold geochemistry in the Yilgarn, followed by six years overseas as a share trader, scientific editor and contract geologist.

Returning to Australia, Allison initially worked with the uranium group at Geoscience Australia before specialising in the annual inventory of Australia’s mineral resources. In recent years, Allison has focused on attracting international minerals investment into Australia and supporting the Australian Government’s critical minerals strategy.

She leads Geoscience Australia’s provision of minerals advice as well as the National Mine Waste Assessment under the Exploring for the Future program.

Allison also has considerable experience in public outreach, working with radio, print and television to explain the role that minerals play in our lives.