Code of conduct

ATSE is committed to leading a positive and ethical culture in which all persons treat each other with respect.

The Code of Conduct provides guidance for Fellows, employees and others representing or otherwise involved with ATSE. It applies to:

  • All Fellows, including Foreign Fellows, Honorary Fellows, Board-elected Fellows and Foreign Fellows
  • Academy staff and interns
  • Contractors and volunteers
  • Committee members, speakers, award recipients, representatives, delegates and others engaged in ATSE activities.

ATSE’s Fellows, Employees, Workers and Participants agree to conduct themselves with respect, integrity, transparency, inclusion, collaboration, excellence and independence. We agree to treat each other respectfully, responsibly and ethically, and are guided in all our activities by the highest standards of honesty and integrity. When acting in relation to ATSE, Fellows, Employees, Workers and Participants are expected to behave as exemplars for the applied science, engineering and technology sectors.

Fellows, Employees, Workers and Participants shall not engage in discrimination, harassment or bullying (all as defined by the Fair Work Commission), and shall not commit professional misconduct. These behaviours interfere with or sabotage individual wellbeing, activities and careers in and concerned with technological sciences and engineering. They create a hostile environment that reduces the quality, integrity and pace of the advancement of technology and engineering by marginalising individuals and communities – and preventing the healthy exchange of ideas and opinions.

Fellows, Workers and Participants may not publicly present themselves as representing ATSE, nor represent any position not stated in an ATSE document as being that of ATSE, without explicit prior approval of ATSE’s President and/or Chief Executive Officer.

Individuals are required to maintain an awareness of their own conduct and interaction with others. Individuals are also required to be aware of the conduct of others and to intervene when such conduct violates ATSE’s values and impacts negatively on individuals or on the Academy’s reputation or activities. This intervention may be direct, or through alerting relevant officials in order to promptly address the situation.

Breaches of the Code of Conduct are to be reported and dealt with in accordance with the Code’s protocol.

The full Code of Conduct and protocol is available for download.

The image inside our polygon is of The Pilbara from the air. Credit: NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team created with Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Source: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology.
Learn more about this image of The Pilbara from the Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory